The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) has published in draft form new Neonatal Life Support Consensus on Science with Treatment Recommendations (CoSTR) documents utilizing expert systematic reviewers (ESR) in the new continuous evidence evaluation process.
NLS 5051 Task Force Systematic Review--Cord Management at Birth for Preterm Infants (Link
NLS 5700 Task Force Systematic Review--Effect of Rewarming Rate on Outcomes for Newborns who are Unintentionally Hypothermic after Delivery (
NLS 5701 Task Force Systematic Review--Therapeutic Hypothermia in Limited Resource Settings (
Content experts and the Neonatal Life Support Task Force that included members from around the world participated in the process as well. The CoSTR can be found at the above links. Public comments are strongly encouraged. The public comment period will close 14 days after posting. Please be advised that this is in draft form and will be finalized when all comments have been received and considered. After comments have been received, it will continue to be labeled as "draft." When a publication occurs later in the year, the label will change to "final." We look forward to your comments.
