May 21-26 will see the 76th World Health Assembly (#WHA76) take place in Geneva, Switzerland. It’s here that world leaders and other key development stakeholders will meet for their annual discussions on the world’s biggest health challenges, and the priorities and bold action needed to tackle them.
As the world’s largest partnership of more than 1,400 partners advocating for women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health, PMNCH will be there.
This is an opportunity to lay out the most pressing health issues currently faced by demographics that are often forgotten, including child marriage, risks from intimate partner violence, and adolescent mental health issues, which have all increased as noted in the Protect the Promise – 2022 Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health (2016-2030) progress report, and this year’s WHA report on implementation of the Global Strategy.
Join us as we call for leaders to urgently prioritize the health and rights of women, children and adolescents by attending events, either online or in-person, or by joining in the conversation online using #WHA76; #LivesInTheBalance.
Members of the PMNCH team will be using the week to shine a spotlight on the fact that healthy and empowered women, children and adolescents are at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals. When we invest in women, children and adolescents, we build healthier communities, vibrant economies and more prosperous, peaceful, inclusive and resilient societies. But halfway to the SDGs deadline, more investment and action is needed to accelerate progress in the health of women, children and adolescents.
Members of PMNCH will be going into the week with a few asks they plan to put to policymakers:
Strengthen political and financial commitment for women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health and well-being;
Accelerate prioritization, financing and implementation of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights in national universal health coverage plans;
Prioritize adolescent well-being in national development plans and strategies and implement adolescent well-being policies and programs;
Address inequities across the life course and strengthen health systems to improve maternal, newborn and child health and avert preventable deaths, including stillbirths; and
Strengthen and support the health workforce.
For specific advocacy asks on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH), Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and Adolescent Well-being (AWB), click here.
Join our Lives in the Balance side events series. Launched in response to COVID-19, the Lives in the Balance summits have grown into an essential venue for learning and collaboration to combat the combined impact of COVID, climate change, and growing crisis on the most vulnerable. In the fifth rendition, three events, hosted online and in-person, will focus on what is needed to Protect the Promise for women, children and adolescents in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, conflict, climate change and rising costs of living while reflecting on the WHA report on Committing to implementation of the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health (2016–2030). See more details below:
Opening event: Delivering on the Promise for Women, Children and Adolescents on Sunday, 21 May, 6-8pm CET, InterContinental Hotel. A discussion on practical actions countries and partners can take to improve the health and rights of women, children and adolescents
Adolescent Health and Well-being and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights on Monday 22 May, 6-8pm CET, Domaine des Penthes. A look at adolescent well-being to increase momentum for the 1.8 Young People for Change campaign and Global Forum for Adolescents.
Maternal, Newborn and Child Health on Sunday 21 May, 6-8pm CET, Restaurant Vieux Bois. A gathering to emphasize the importance of multi-sectoral collaboration in ensuring that every mother, baby and child not only survives, but thrives.
Walk the Talk on Sunday 21 May, 7:30am CET, Place des Nations
Join the 1.8 Billion Young People for Change Campaign to advocate for women, children and adolescents, and rally support for the Global Forum for Adolescents. See other partner events you may be interested in attending here.
Make your voice heard at the WHA deliberations.
Watch online and join in the conversation #WHA76; #LivesInTheBalance.
Use social media to ask your governments for commitments.
Walk the talk on gender equality.
Whether you’re attending in-person or watching from home, there are a number of ways you can support PMNCH as we push for progress: attend one our events and have your say; watch online and submit questions and comments; use the social media toolkit to raise awareness.
It’s time to reflect, share, collaborate and act!
Connect with us through our digital channels and join our WhatsApp Channel!