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NIHB Hosting Virtual Listening Session on Tribal Prenatal to 3 Policy Agenda

The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) invites you to participate in our virtual listening session on the draft Tribal Prenatal to 3 Policy Agenda: Charting a Path to Good Health and Wellbeing for American Indians and Alaska Natives, Prenatal to Age 3. The listening session will take place Tuesday, September 24 from 2-3:30pm ET over Zoom.

NIHB developed the draft Tribal Prenatal to 3 Policy Agenda through interviews, roundtables, and open engagement with Tribal leaders, members, and practitioners. Now, we wish to hear back from Tribal leaders, Tribal advocates, child welfare and health policy experts, and practitioners on the draft Policy Agenda to further revise, refine, and prioritize policy priorities related to holistically improving the health and wellbeing of Native kids up to age three and their families. We welcome feedback from diverse perspectives and areas of expertise, including those with experience in Tribal WIC, home visiting, parenting programs, birth workers, community health representatives, social services, child welfare services, public health, and others.

You can review the draft Policy Agenda below before the Listening Session and we welcome feedback during the Listening Session or by electronic feedback form through September 30, 2024. We hope to see you at the upcoming virtual Listening Session and look forward to hearing your feedback on the draft Policy Agenda.

As the only national Tribally-led organization for health care, NIHB will be present to support and hear from Tribal leaders and other Tribal advocates. NIHB is a 501(c)3 non-profit, governed by Tribal leaders from all 12 geographic IHS regions. We serve all Tribal governments—including those receiving health care directly from the IHS and contracted/compacted Tribes. NIHB seeks to reinforce Tribal sovereignty, strengthen Tribal health systems, secure resources, and build capacity to achieve the highest level of health and well-being for our People. The upcoming Listening Session will be an important opportunity to work together to enhance this critical work. Learn more here.



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